Hey all, These are the details for jobweek (arnt you excited? its finally here!)
13th march-14th march
GC(to follow sec1s on 13th march)
duration: 8am-7pm for both days
Venue: Individual Routes (dont worry for sec1s the GC will bring you to places)
Attire: Reporting in at 8am full scout uniform (no beret)at gym hall atrium
Returning Time: 7pm
Sign sheet before heading home to acknowledge attendence. Those coming back late have to call hotline.
Prepare yourself physically and mentally
-eat and rest well
-do ask your seniors
Start Early
-Parents, friends and relatives will be a good start
Do spend time to plan your route (once again this doesnt apply for sec1s)
Possible Jobweek Locations
-HDB flats
-Landed property
-shop houses
-industrial estates
Packlist(this is just a brief one. You can choose to bring other stuff.)
Jobweek Cards
Job done Cards
Water Bottles
Street Directory and/or bus guide
Mobile Phone (very essential, remember to charge)
EZ-link card
Contact Numbers (emergency+postholders. This should be given out to you sometime soon)
Food (optional, for those who want to save the time needed for lunch by packing food from home)
When approaching the public, be confident!
Also remember to be polite, courteous and enthusiastic.
Do BE PREPARED and professional. Get pen and card ready before approaching residents.
Introduce yourself with a smile!
-Request for a job
-Suggest jobs that you can do
Be prepared by preparing a script. (of course you dont read from the script just make a script in your mind and memorise it.)
Introduce yourself (im a scout from 01 raffles institution scout group)
Explain your presence(i am here on jobweek)
Explain the fund raising event (which is an annual fund-raising event to supply our HQ with funds for scouting activities)
Ask for a job, if "no", suggest a job (whereby we perform jobs for members of the public... I can help you clean the floor, or wipe your windows?)
Reiterate aims of Jobweek (as jobweek is a very meaningful important events to raise funds for scouting events, isn't there some task i can perform?)
Accept jobs (okay thank you.)
dont do jobs that are too hard/dangerous( safety is the no.1 priority)
Link all of the above words in the brackets and you have yourself a script! but try to add in more details and make it more smooth
Possible Jobs
-Sweeping the floor
-washing car (i have done this myself on jobweek. Its not that hard and earns well too)
-Water the plants
-Cleaning stuff
-Throwing garbage
As for the above jobs i have done almost all of them in my 2 years of jobweek so there is no excuse saying that its too hard.
Contact hotline if:
-Travelling to a new place
-Demoralised(especially if your demoralised, i always call when i feel sad :D)
-Unsure of where to go next (hotline does give you some tips on nearby areas which are potential goldmines)
-Out of jobweek cards
-Other emergencies
Contact the hotline @ 96641300
If cant be reached, Contact Jack
Dont give the public any of the J1s or the Teachers' numbers
At this point of time sec1s may be wondering what is this "hotline"? basically the hotline is just a phone number set up for you to be able to call someone. The other person at the other end of the hotline is a J1 which is random as they rotate. E.g. kenneth may do from 9am to 11am then francis may do from 11am to 1pm that kind of thing.
-Work on your fitness and psyche yourself up before jobweek! (it can be physically and mentally exhausting and extremely demoralising at times.)
-Carry only what you need. ( you definately wont want an extra weight to weigh you down on top of demoralisation)
-Do know what you should say (its very awkward if after he opens the door and you start stammering and forget what to say next =.=)
-Always ask for a job (dont just knock on the door when the person open say "hi" then zao... and ask for a job before asking for donation[i will explain this further later])
-politely reject dangerous jobs (dont go ahead and do impossible jobs like fixing the toilet)
Accept cheques
-Address to "singapore scouts association"
-write "01 raffles scout group" at the back
~Apologise if you do anything wrong
~Be on your best behaviour and be sensible!
~Do a thorough and good job when given one
~Always smile and be polite!
-Remember, you represent 01!
~learn chinese and make a chinese script as there will always be senior citizens who dont understand english. (wo shi lai fuo shi de tong zi jun...)
~Be confidential and dont show your money in public
~Ensure amount earned is equal or more than that written on the card
~Ensure public signs next to corrections made on the card
~Ensure you bring enough money for food and transport
~Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration! (you can buy drinks along the way)
~Go alone as much as possible ( i dont suggest sec1s doing this... after all its ur first time.)
~Sec1s should go in pairs
♥Lose jobweek cards
♥Count money in public
♥Dont go to dark and quiet places in order to prevent robberies.
♥Dont accept requests to change money from residents.
Don't resist, follow the demands
safety is more important than money
call back after robbery
if robber takes your phone, borrow one from a member of the public and call back immediately. (this is why u need to have the emergency contact list. Try to put it in your BAG or ur pocket so that the robbery wont steal that as well. Alternatively, you can also memorise the hotline's number.)
♥Dont accept food or drinks
♥Avoid chatting with members of the public to avoid wasting time
♥Dont mix pocket money with the collected money. "a scout is to be trusted"
♥Dont spend too much time on lunch
♥When moving in pairs, there is no real need to wait, just move on to the next house.
♥Strictly no disrupting of businesses
♥No jobweek in:
-wet markets
-hawker centers
-Shopping malls
Use a boss card to record larger sums
-e.g.Have boss card to record $10++ kind of money.
If you see a house with a job done card, Dont bother just move on to the next block and so on.
Batch Targets:
Year 1s: $300 (an extremely deterring but achieveable target. Believe me, its really not that hard as long as you stick to asking house by house for a job. Eventually you will get it trust me i know.
Year 2s: $450 (an even more achieveable target. Since you guys are in sec2 and have more experience regarding this matter, im sure you guys can do it! =) )
Year 3s: $650 (totally unreasonable and impossible target. =P haha joking! its quite reasonable in some sense that we have more experience in doing jobweek but it will still take alot of hardwork and discipline to achieve this.)
Patrol with the highest earning will get more subsides on camps and stuff so we must try to get as much as possible for each individual person.
Badges will also be given out based on how many years you have achieved a standard higher than the target.
Thats all from me!