
Watching the Night

Sunday, May 30, 2010

AC Details

Annual Camp 2010: 31st May (Monday) to 4th June (Friday)


  • Reporting Venue: Raja Block
  • Reporting Time: 31st May 8am - Sec 1s and Sec 2s; 7am - Sec 3s
  • Attire: Full Scout Uniform - Sec 1s and Sec 2s; PE attire - Sec 3s
  • Dismissal Time: 4th June, 1pm - Sec 1s and Sec 2s; Sec 3s - No idea
  • Parent's Night is on Day 4 (Thursday 3rd June) at 1800 hrs
Packlist - Personal:
  • Full Scout Uniform (Red Scarf)
  • PE shirts (min 4)
  • PE shorts (min 4)
  • Underwear (min 4)
  • Sports shoes
  • Socks
  • Slippers / Sandals
  • Toiletries
  • Towel
  • Jackknife
  • Backpack
  • Writing materials (I guess a pen and a notebook is enough)
  • Water bottle
  • Torchlight
  • Spare batteries
  • Poncho
  • Groundsheet
  • Ziploc / plastic bags
  • Hanger
  • Fork and spoon
  • Mess tin
  • Gloves (this is COMPULSORY, you can buy at any hardware store)
  • Wallet with money (appropriate amount, not too much, not too little) and ez-Link cards
Packlist - Patrol:
  • Patrol Video
  • Icebox
  • Structure / Gadget design
  • Meal plan
  • FOL items
  • Condiments (oil, pepper, salt, soy sauce, etc) - will not be provided
  • Lightsticks (per tent per night)
  • Aluminium foil
  • Radio - optional
  • Snacks - they say optional, but I think otherwise
  • Camera - optional
  • Antisocial stuff (playing cards, mp3 player-unless you bring a speaker or it has one)
  • Pillow, bolster
Things to do before AC:
  • Structure/gadget design
    • Kitchen tent structure
    • Table, bench, dustbin, dresser, clothesline, shoe-rack, fence, 1 practical gadget
  • Meal plan
  • FOL
  • Patrol Video
  • Banners
  • Buy, saw teckos
  • Obtain parent's response for parent's night
  • Each patrol will be allocated the following amount of poles:
    • 1m - 10
    • 1.5m - 10
    • 2m - 20
    • 2.5 m - 10
    • 3m - 10
    • 4m - 10
Special Dish
D1 Dinner

D2 Breakfast
Handmade Delicacies

D2 Lunch
Mixed Rice

D2 Dinner
D3 Breakfast

D3 Lunch
Vegetable/Fruit Salad
D3 Dinner

D4 Breakfast

D4 Lunch
Asian Cuisine

  • Budgets
    • Breakfast - $1.50
    • Lunch - $2.50
    • Dinner - $2.50
  • Grading
    • Sufficiency (25%)
    • Creativity (15%)
    • Taste (20%)
    • Presentation (5%)
    • Hygiene (15%)
    • Nutrition (20%)
  • Waterproof all items in your bags
  • Use a backpack
  • Sew on relevant badges onto Scout Uniform
  • Revise your skills (especially pioneering)
  • Be punctual
  • Have initiative
  • Have a sense of urgency
  • Safety is paramount!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Annual Camp Details

1. Campsite Layout
Every patrol will be allocated a certain area for your entire campsite. You will need to mark out your campsite through whatever form you want, if you have enough poles (or money for tecko), you can even surround your entire campsite with it, but that's entirely up to you. And you will need to think of where you want to pitch your sleeping tent and kitchen tent structure, and where to put spare poles etc.

2. Kitchen Tent Structure
Instead of a gateway structure, this year you all will have a kitchen tent structure. Attached are pictures from National Patrol Camp 2008, where several groups have used it. One of it is very simplified, the other is much more complicated. There are more pictures, but we don't want to restrict your imagination. The basic requirements of the kitchen tent structure is that it must be able to shelter you when it rains, be able to fit ONE tarp, and enough space at the bottom for your working needs. This kitchen tent structure will replace your kitchen tent. You will not have kitchen tents if you do not build this one properly. Your kitchen tent can be elaborate, but make sure you can get the basic structure up first, before adding on any other stuffs. The kitchen tent will have to be up by the end of the first day.
For those who are really confident and want to try something new, you can even get planks and build your kitchen tent in such a way that you can sleep in it. How complex or simple you want the kitchen tent to be is totally up to you.

3. Gadgets
This would be the same as previous years. Table (one for cooking, one for eating, or one big table for both), chairs/benches (enough to comfortably sit 8 people), dresser, dustbin, shoerack (big enough for 1 pair of shoes per person in your patrol), and one other practical gadget.

4. Meals
There will be a total of 9 meals that you have to plan for, 3 breakfast, 3 lunch, 3 dinner.

Special Dish

D1 Dinner

D2 Breakfast
Handmade Delicacies

D2 Lunch
Mixed Rice

D2 Dinner

D3 Breakfast

D3 Lunch
Vegetable/Fruit Salad

D3 Dinner

D4 Breakfast

D4 Lunch
Asian Cuisine

As you can see, there are themes for most of the meals. This means that there will be a marking criteria for following the theme, and it is also to "guide" and give you ideas for the meals. For the special dishes, they do not have to be in accordance to the theme. Meaning you do not have to bake a vegetarian cookie. For the "open" theme, it is for you to show off your patrol's signature dish =)
One thing to note for the meals, there will not be any fixed categories like staple, meat, veg, dessert/soup. This is because you may want to mix your dishes together (eg spaghetti bolognese with minced meat). That being said, it does not mean you do not have to cook food from a certain category. We still expect a good mix of food types.

5. Banners
The banners will be hung on your kitchen tent structure, or if you want you could make a structure to hang it up as well. I believe you have already bought cloth for Annual Show, so do make full use of it. Remember to have a space on your structure where you could hang it from.

6. Festival of Lights
Think of how and where you would want to light up your entire campsite. Be creative! No big big fire and stuff like that, just make sure you don't burn the field down =)

7. Video
There will be times for you to showcase a video, which follows a theme of "01's funniest videos!" It should not exceed 3 minutes, and your patrol members got to star in it =D

During activity this Monday, we will dismiss the SU slightly early. There will be time after that for you to plan/discuss with your patrol, so make good use of it! There's not much time left till AC, so we got to work fast. Remember that banners will take a long time to paint/dry, so you may want to start on that first. Also, we will be checking your gadget and kitchen tent designs on Wednesday, 19 May.

That's all for now! Hope to see you well, recharged and ready to go on Monday.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Owl is back!

Hey all. My exams are over! How about all of you? How are the exams? Done well? I hope everyone put in their best effort to say the least xD Guess what everyone? Next up for 01 activities is ANNUAL CAMP!!! and for that there will be alot of preparation work for us to do. All this will mostly include the Sec2s and 3s as we are the ones who are gonna be building our ultimate structure. The plans im still going through and the ideas are mostly complete but i need to touch up and contact Tharun about how he feels about them.

For, now everyone should just kick back and enjoy the after-exam happiness and when the AC preps come, we will have to chiong through alotta things :D

Have a nice post exams period time!
Roy =D

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Updates :D

Hey all!
Im here posting again cos i want to update everyone on the SU activities that are coming up for those of you who are too lazy to refer to the list that was given out early in the year.
24/4/2010 - Annual show! yay! (i hope everyone's commitees has been up to task and will keep on working hard to do well in annual show!)

31/5/2010-4/6/2010 - Annual Camp! HOOORAY! the fun camp of the year! Now, just because the camp is supposedly fun, doesn't mean we don't have to do any work. Hard work will be instilled in you guys as u learn the value of working. But then, thats for us to discuss at a later date.

24/4/2010 - Patrol in Town! oh man... this is by far the best thing for the whole year :D simply cos its awesome and we get to GL alot

14/8/2010 - 01 Scout Orienteering (ok i have no idea what this is... just walking around singapore i guess :P since i cant remember what this is about sry!)

6/9/2010-7/9/2010 - Night Hike! Haha just a slackish preview of GTC. A fun walk through the night life of Singapore of about... 10-20km? last year was 18km if im not wrong.

13/9/2010 - Inter UG half Marathon! running! yay!

30/10/2010 - 01 Scout Kayaking Expedition. OoOoh! this is new! kayaking! lots of watery fun! woot! More and more fun to look forward to :D

29/11-3/12/2010 - GROUP TRAINING CAMP!!!! For the sake of the sec1s, lets not explain :D its basically EXTREMELY FUN teeeeheeee

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Activity on 7/4

Hello all,
There will be yet another exciting Annual Show Prep tomorrow.

All committees, please remember to bring your relevant stuff and get
ready for an engaging session.

Date: 7 April 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 1530 - 1830
Things to Bring: Relevant Logistics, Caps for Sec One Dancers
Reporting Attire: PE attire

Secondary One Dancers, please remember to bring your caps for your
dance. For committees, please ensure that you bring your relevant


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Activity on 31/3

Hello all,

There will be activity this Wednesday, 31/3.

Please bring your writing materials as we will be having a briefing for the next major of the event - the Annual Show 2010.

In short,
Date: 31 March 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 1530 - 1830

Things to Bring: Writing Materials

Reporting Attire: PE attire


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Test taking on 24/3

Date: 24 March 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 1530 - 1830

Things to Bring: Writing Materials

Reporting Attire: PE attire

Sec 1s and new members, all of you will be taking the bronze standard. Everyone, do study hard during the march holidays, especially those who are aiming to get the first class badge and CCA

Please do note that there will be no activity on Monday, the 22nd of March.


Monday, March 8, 2010


K guys, here's the info for SUTC 2010:

Theme: Disney
Date: 15 - 17 March 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: Full Scout Uniform (trainees), PE Uniform (Service Scouts)
Reporting Time: Day 1: 0800 (trainees), 0700 (Service Scouts)   Day 2: 1300 (trainees), 1400 (Service Scouts)

  • Full Scout Uniform (including shoes and beret)
  • PE shirts (necessary amount, make sure you have a clean one for orienteering)
  • PE shorts (necessary amount)
  • Underwear (necessary amount)
  • Sports shoes (1)
  • Socks (necessary amount)
  • Slippers/sandals (1)
  • Toiletries (necessary amount)
  • Towel (1)
  • Jack knife (1)
  • Prickly heat powder (1)
  • Writing materials (necessary amount)
  • Waterbottle (ONE 1.5 l bottle)
  • Torchlight (1)
  • Spare batteries (necessary amount)
  • Poncho (1)
  • Groundsheet (1)
  • Ziploc/Plastic bags (necessary amount)
  • Hanger (1)
  • Fork and spoon (1 set)
  • Mess tin (2, I think, I'm not too sure. 1 for food and one for drinks, that's what I did in Sec 1)
  • Scout notes (1, really important, don't forget)
Contraband Items
  • Antisocial devices
    • Electronic games
    • Cards
    • mp3 players
    • etc
  • Snacks
  • Luggage bag (seriously, don't bring)
  • Singlets (You'll get sunburnt. Badly. Not that I would know.)
  • Non-school based T-shirts (please, it'll look embarassing if you wear a T-shirt saying I <3 NY)
  • Waterproof all items in bag, and the bag itself (Use plastic bags for stuff in the bag, and garbage bag for the bag itself, J1s may be testing a few of the bags LOL Daryl)
  • Use a backpack (not 10,000 plastic bags like Kenneth said)
  • Sew on relevant badges on Scout Uniform (Sec 1s, don't forget your group emblem and name tag if you have them. Roy and me, remember PL and APL badges)
  • Revise your skills (We don't want anyone asking us how to tie a thumb knot)
  • Inspection (practise at home)
  • Be punctual (May be added to your count)
  • Have initiative ( if you see litter lying around, pick it up, cos if the J1s see it they'll definitely add it to your count.
  • Have a sense of urgency (Yeah, added to your count)
  • In case of injuries
    • Tell any J1
    • Bring injured member to J1 room
  • If evacuation is needed (fire, etc)
    • Everyone to assemble at Raffles Square
  • Signing out/in of camp
    • Tell the J1 in the J1 room
    • Sign out/in on the sheet in the J1 room
    • Collect your handphone and leave your number
Patrol Allocations
Here're the allocations for trainees in Owl:
  • Patrol 1
    • Terence
    • Timothy
  • Patrol 2
    • Nicholas
  • Patrol 4
    • John
  • Patrol 6
    • Colin
    • Paul
Patrol Matters
  • Get contact numbers and other details of patrol members
  • Patrol name (done)
  • Patrol cheer (done?)
Your APL,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

SUTC Prep on 8/3

Hi all,

Tomorrow's activity will be SUTC Briefing. The details are as follows:

Date: 8/3/2010 (Monday)
Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Attire: PE attire
Time: 3.30-6.30pm
Things to bring: Writing materials

Please come prepared, Sec2s and 3s, you should know the standards we expect for SUTC, do inform your Sec1s of our expectations. ( sec1s, the standard here is basically very high. Be on your best discipline, stand still in horseshoes and dont fidget. Simple discipline matters like this are the easiest to not be followed and you will be punish if you do so in SUTC. I hope all of you can be disciplined and maintain a firm control over yourselves at all times, if not this camp won't be fun, it will just be sweat and blood.)

Roy :D

Friday, March 5, 2010


Hey all, These are the details for jobweek (arnt you excited? its finally here!)
13th march-14th march
GC(to follow sec1s on 13th march)

duration: 8am-7pm for both days
Venue: Individual Routes (dont worry for sec1s the GC will bring you to places)
Attire: Reporting in at 8am full scout uniform (no beret)at gym hall atrium

Returning Time: 7pm
Sign sheet before heading home to acknowledge attendence. Those coming back late have to call hotline.

Prepare yourself physically and mentally
-eat and rest well
-do ask your seniors
Start Early
-Parents, friends and relatives will be a good start
Do spend time to plan your route (once again this doesnt apply for sec1s)

Possible Jobweek Locations
-HDB flats
-Landed property
-shop houses
-industrial estates

Packlist(this is just a brief one. You can choose to bring other stuff.)
Jobweek Cards
Job done Cards
Water Bottles
Street Directory and/or bus guide
Mobile Phone (very essential, remember to charge)
EZ-link card
Contact Numbers (emergency+postholders. This should be given out to you sometime soon)
Food (optional, for those who want to save the time needed for lunch by packing food from home)

When approaching the public, be confident!
Also remember to be polite, courteous and enthusiastic.
Do BE PREPARED and professional. Get pen and card ready before approaching residents.
Introduce yourself with a smile!
-Request for a job
-Suggest jobs that you can do

Be prepared by preparing a script. (of course you dont read from the script just make a script in your mind and memorise it.)
1)Introduce yourself (im a scout from 01 raffles institution scout group)
2)Explain your presence(i am here on jobweek)
3)Explain the fund raising event (which is an annual fund-raising event to supply our HQ with funds for scouting activities)
4)Ask for a job, if "no", suggest a job (whereby we perform jobs for members of the public... I can help you clean the floor, or wipe your windows?)
5)Reiterate aims of Jobweek (as jobweek is a very meaningful important events to raise funds for scouting events, isn't there some task i can perform?)
6)Accept jobs (okay thank you.)
7)dont do jobs that are too hard/dangerous( safety is the no.1 priority)
P.S.Link all of the above words in the brackets and you have yourself a script! but try to add in more details and make it more smooth

Possible Jobs
-Sweeping the floor
-washing car (i have done this myself on jobweek. Its not that hard and earns well too)
-Water the plants
-Cleaning stuff
-Throwing garbage
P.S. As for the above jobs i have done almost all of them in my 2 years of jobweek so there is no excuse saying that its too hard.

Contact hotline if:
-Travelling to a new place
-Demoralised(especially if your demoralised, i always call when i feel sad :D)
-Unsure of where to go next (hotline does give you some tips on nearby areas which are potential goldmines)
-Out of jobweek cards
-Other emergencies
Contact the hotline @ 96641300
If cant be reached, Contact Jack
Dont give the public any of the J1s or the Teachers' numbers
P.S. At this point of time sec1s may be wondering what is this "hotline"? basically the hotline is just a phone number set up for you to be able to call someone. The other person at the other end of the hotline is a J1 which is random as they rotate. E.g. kenneth may do from 9am to 11am then francis may do from 11am to 1pm that kind of thing.

-Work on your fitness and psyche yourself up before jobweek! (it can be physically and mentally exhausting and extremely demoralising at times.)
-Carry only what you need. ( you definately wont want an extra weight to weigh you down on top of demoralisation)
-Do know what you should say (its very awkward if after he opens the door and you start stammering and forget what to say next =.=)
-Always ask for a job (dont just knock on the door when the person open say "hi" then zao... and ask for a job before asking for donation[i will explain this further later])
-politely reject dangerous jobs (dont go ahead and do impossible jobs like fixing the toilet)

Accept cheques
-Address to "singapore scouts association"
-write "01 raffles scout group" at the back

~Apologise if you do anything wrong
~Be on your best behaviour and be sensible!
~Do a thorough and good job when given one
~Always smile and be polite!
-Remember, you represent 01!
~learn chinese and make a chinese script as there will always be senior citizens who dont understand english. (wo shi lai fuo shi de tong zi jun...)
~Be confidential and dont show your money in public
~Ensure amount earned is equal or more than that written on the card
~Ensure public signs next to corrections made on the card
~Ensure you bring enough money for food and transport
~Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration! (you can buy drinks along the way)
~Go alone as much as possible ( i dont suggest sec1s doing this... after all its ur first time.)
~Sec1s should go in pairs

♥Lose jobweek cards
♥Count money in public
♥Dont go to dark and quiet places in order to prevent robberies.
♥Dont accept requests to change money from residents.
Don't resist, follow the demands
safety is more important than money
call back after robbery
if robber takes your phone, borrow one from a member of the public and call back immediately. (this is why u need to have the emergency contact list. Try to put it in your BAG or ur pocket so that the robbery wont steal that as well. Alternatively, you can also memorise the hotline's number.)

♥Dont accept food or drinks
♥Avoid chatting with members of the public to avoid wasting time
♥Dont mix pocket money with the collected money. "a scout is to be trusted"
♥Dont spend too much time on lunch
♥When moving in pairs, there is no real need to wait, just move on to the next house.
♥Strictly no disrupting of businesses
♥No jobweek in:
-wet markets
-hawker centers
-Shopping malls

Use a boss card to record larger sums
-e.g.Have boss card to record $10++ kind of money.
If you see a house with a job done card, Dont bother just move on to the next block and so on.

Batch Targets:
Year 1s: $300 (an extremely deterring but achieveable target. Believe me, its really not that hard as long as you stick to asking house by house for a job. Eventually you will get it trust me i know.
Year 2s: $450 (an even more achieveable target. Since you guys are in sec2 and have more experience regarding this matter, im sure you guys can do it! =) )
Year 3s: $650 (totally unreasonable and impossible target. =P haha joking! its quite reasonable in some sense that we have more experience in doing jobweek but it will still take alot of hardwork and discipline to achieve this.)

Patrol with the highest earning will get more subsides on camps and stuff so we must try to get as much as possible for each individual person.
Badges will also be given out based on how many years you have achieved a standard higher than the target.

Thats all from me!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Activity on Wednesday 3/3

Hi All,
There will be activity this Wednesday, 3rd March 2010. Details are as follows:
Job Week Briefing
Date: 3 March 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 3.30pm - 6.30pm
Things to Bring: Writing Materials, Job Week Routes for Year 2s to 4s
Reporting Attire: PE Attire

Please note that there will NOT be Muster Parade this Wednesday, as Muster Parade for this month has been postponed to next Wednesday. So DO NOT bring your full scout uniform this Wednesday! Wear your PE attire. Do remind each other of this.


Patrol Standings

Hey guys as you may have already known, owl is last so far for our inter-patrol scores. Im not here to lament or to be sad over our failure, but instead, im here to thank all of you for your hard work so far and hope that you will continue striving for success as we continue to push on throughout this year. There is a very important thing that i would like everyone to know, no matter what position we are in anything, as long as we have fun, enjoy ourselves and everyone is happy at the end of the day, i dont really care about that number. It means more to me that everyone tries to be the best he can be than for us to WIN. But as of now, the year has just started and there are many ways we can still push all the way till we reach the top, so lets keep persevering and keep going owl!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Activity on Monday 1/3

Hi all,

There will be activity on monday, the 1st of March. Details are as follows:

Date: Monday (01/03/2010)
Time: 3.30pm to 6.30pm
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Water Bottle

Remember what i have told you guys about enthusiasm~

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hey guys, theres a thing that i wanna discuss with you guys and that is how we havn't been exactly very enthusiastic during activities. Well, to share with you something, it is that activities in 01 are as fun as we make it to be. If you just zone out during activities and keep quiet without talking much, it will be boring. If you choose to sing songs and have fun, then it will really be fun. Its all about how you behave during activites. Sometimes, I myself may not be all fun and spunky, which is usually due to school and its many stresses. Its often hard to also have fun while at the same time maintaining discipline at a certain level, but i hope that all of you can learn to be more active and take on a greater role in making activities fun for everyone.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

St.Margaret's Campfire!!

Hello all,

Coming up next month is the first guide event of the year. Details are as follows:

Date: 20th March 2010 (Saturday)
Venue: St Margaret's School
Time: 6.30pm - 9.30pm
Attire: Full Scout Uniform

This is basically a campfire which scouts all around Singapore consistently go for. For our sec1s i STRONGLY encourage all of you to sign up and go for this. This is because campfires are extremely fun and it may seem lame when you think about it when it comes to just sitting around a fire and singing songs, but to tell you honestly, and truthfully from the bottom of my heart, its more than that. You have to be there to experience it. Plus, its St.Margaret, the school that has one of the most enthusiastic guide (its guide as its girls not boys) groups in Singapore! So i hope that all of you can sign up and go as it will be a night of your lives to be remembered!


Den Orientation 24/2

Hi all,

Hope you've had a good rest after overnight.

There will be activity tomorrow, the 24th of February. Details are as follows:

Date: Wednesday (24/2/2010)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Basha Building materials (PLs)


Sunday, February 21, 2010

No activity on Monday

Hey all, there is no activity tomorrow on the 22 of feb. However, there is the founder's day tmr which starts at 6.45am so pls be there on time.

Remember to bring $3 for the scarf and for those who dont hav name tags bring an additional $3.50

P.S. remember to wear the 100TH ANNIVERSARY SCARF and not the normal scarf.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Overnight Investiture

Date:19-20 Feb 2010
Venue:Gym Hall Atrium, RI
Reporting: -1530hours in Full Scout Uniform (Sec 1s wear PE)
-Den will be open from 7am to 7.25am you can go earlier to put your bag
-Sec 3s come earlier to build flagstaff
Dismissal time: 1600hours

Inspection: -Held after flag break
-Emphasis on quality not speed
-Waterproofing of bags (suggested usage of a garbage bag to wrap everything
up, if not just use plastic bags)

Parent's Session: -Day 2 1500-1600hours
-Introduce parents to 01 and answer any queries
-Sharing of experience

Cooking Race: -Ingredients will be bought during the camp
-Patrols to bring own condiments
Weight-age for cooking Race:
-Presentation/creativity- 25%
-Sufficiency- 25%
-Taste- 30%
-Hygiene- 20%
Penalties if MSG is used: 50%

Full Scout Uniform (Include:Shirt,Pants,Black Shoes,Scout Socks, Scarf, Woggle,Beret)
PE T-shirts (2)
PE shorts (2)
Underwear (sufficient amount)
Sports/Track Shoes (1 pair)
Socks (sufficient amount)
Slippers/Sandles (1 pair)
Warm Clothing (optional)
Toiletries (Toothbrush + toothpaste, Shampoo, Etc)
Prickly Heat Powder (optional)
Box File (to store certificate)
writing materials
Water Bottle (at least 1.5L)
Torch Light
Spare Batteries
Ziploc Bags/Plastic bags
Multi-Purpose Knife
Insect Repellant
Condiments (for cooking Race)

Make sure scout uniform is complete
Label your belongings (esp. Scarf)
Plan for inspection
Rest well the day before (today!)

Note from PL:
Hey guys, Roy here. This camp is supposed to be one of the most fun and well, FUN camps of the year and there won't be much physical stuff, so please bring along as much enthusiasm as possible to the camp as i would like everyone to enjoy themselves and have a good time! Another thing is that the packlist above and the amounts that is stated in brackets are merely suggested amounts, you may want to bring more if you feel the need to. However, dont bring TOO much stuff as it will weigh you down and make inspection alot harder. For the benefit of those of you guys who don't know what inspection is, there is a picture i have attached to give you a brief idea of that its like. The last thing is that do really rest up the day before as the camp will go late into the night with sheer fun! :D

Monday, February 15, 2010

Activity on Wednesday 17/2

Hi everyone,

Hope that you are enjoying the Chinese New Year celebrations!

There will be activity this Wednesday. The details are as follows:

Date: Wednesday (17/2/2010)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Writing materials, scout handbook (Year 1s)


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

01 group database

This is based on the 01 group database and how you guys have to do it and submit it to me by Thursay. This is extremely important and i want you guys to do it asap and send it to me. The template is in the 01 mails, check ur email for more info.



Hi owl,

There will be activity this Wednesday, (10/2/10).

Date: 10 Feb 2010
Reporting venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 3.30 - 6.30
Things to bring: Full Scout Uniform (incl beret), 1 pair of extra socks (sec3s only), change of clothes (PLs only)

There is muster parade, so do change into your uniform and report on time. We will be welcoming our new sec1s tomorrow, so bring along all your enthusiasm and have fun!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

02 Campfire!

Hey, guys the 02 campfire is tonight and im sure some of you may have certain reasons for not going, but i want to let you guys know this is COMPULSORY so i want every1 to just go. Thanks!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

No activity on Monday, Feb 1

Hey all, this is just to remind you that there is no act on monday, 1/2/2010. Do use this time to rest up and finish whatever project and work you had no time to do on the weekends do to the many courses. Peace!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

02 campfireZ

Date: 6 February 2010 (Saturday)
Venue: Raffles Institution (Secondary)
Theme: Ah Beng Millionaire

As 02 is our brother scout group, it is compulsory (for both SU and VU) to attend. PLs, please compile a list of members who cannot go and submit to me before 27/1 (Next Wednesday). Note that only valid reasons will be accepted. Do note that the Sec3s will be having their First Aid Course before this.

Hey, guys i wan u all to try ur best to come for this act cos i must tell u with all truth of heart that campfires are really fun and worth going for. So i hope every1 can just clear their time and come for this uberly fun act! thanks

Act on Wednesday

Hi all,

This Wednesday's activity will be Patrol Meeting.

Date: Wednesday, 27th January 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle, Scout Notes, Scarf

The activity will be a PL-planned act so i will be planning it, hope you will all turn up and have fun at the act :D as it wont be boring thats for sure!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Patrol Visor

Hey guys! If u have taken a look at the other patrols, you will hav seen they all have their patrol shirts. As of being orginal, i came up with this:

nice right, if u guys all agree that its pwnage i will get it printed and done :D

FootDrill Session

Hi all,

There will be activity this Monday 25th Jan. The details are as follows:

Footdrill session
Date: Monday, 25th January 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle, Topo maps (if your GTC patrol hasn't returned)

Just a reminder, the first class hike briefing will be held tomorrow after activity. Candidates, please remember to select your companions by then.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Admin Matters

Hey guys, this is a simple post that i need to put in to tell you guys that we have a few things that we need to do. Firstly, i would like you guys to start using the forums as much as possible. If you go over and take a look, you will see my presence everywhere, and by setting an example i hope you will all follow. Another thing is that we have a few slots available that i would like you guys to volunteer to me on the next activity. These slots are:
-An OFFICIAL photo-taker. This slot is EXTREMELY important as we need a person who is good with a camera to always take photos so that we can keep our plogs and other stuff occupied with cool photos of everyone.
Requirements: Someone responsible and has a good, reliable camera.

-An Cupboard I/C. This slot is for someone who is artistic and loves decoration together, with creativity, can fulfill this role very well.

-An designer. This slot is a very versatile role that i have thought of. The designer has to be someone who is very quick with witty ideas and can whip up a good design, picture or anything artistic within a day or so.

As all these roles are of a certain importance, i hope that someyone can volunteer to take up these roles and take charge of the field. As i dont want only the Sec3s to do everything, i hope the sec2s can also offer their assistance in helping to make the patrol more imba~

Roy out!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Activity on Wednesday

Hi everyone,

There will be activity this Wednesday, 20 Jan. The details are as follows:

Skills Upgrade
Date: Wednesday, 20th January 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle, Signed Letter to Parents

Hope you will find joy and meaning in the activity!

P.S. Remember to post on the forums! http://01raffles.50.forumer.com/

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Patrol Cupboard

Hey guys, as you know, our patrol needs to decorate our cupboard so that not only will it look nice, it will be more constructive for us to use it and feel good about it. Therefore, i want to ask you guys if you have any good ideas for the decoration of our cupboard. If you do, please email or sms them to me. The current design i have is basically just a frame and nothing much. Of course i will continue thinking.

Roy out~

Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Start...

Once again, a new year has started and i'm sure everyone had fun in their first act and hopefully, everyone learnt something new about the GC '10. The one thing i have noticed is that our patrol needs to be more organised and less "one guy here one guy there" kind of thing. If we can stick together, it is definately better than looking all scattered. As you all know, a new batch of sec1s are going to join us soon enough and so we need to look good in front of them.
Another thing is that this year there will be alot more patrol meetings to get us to be more bonded as a patrol. Hope that everyone can enjoy themselves thoroughly throughout this year.

signing off