
Watching the Night

Sunday, May 30, 2010

AC Details

Annual Camp 2010: 31st May (Monday) to 4th June (Friday)


  • Reporting Venue: Raja Block
  • Reporting Time: 31st May 8am - Sec 1s and Sec 2s; 7am - Sec 3s
  • Attire: Full Scout Uniform - Sec 1s and Sec 2s; PE attire - Sec 3s
  • Dismissal Time: 4th June, 1pm - Sec 1s and Sec 2s; Sec 3s - No idea
  • Parent's Night is on Day 4 (Thursday 3rd June) at 1800 hrs
Packlist - Personal:
  • Full Scout Uniform (Red Scarf)
  • PE shirts (min 4)
  • PE shorts (min 4)
  • Underwear (min 4)
  • Sports shoes
  • Socks
  • Slippers / Sandals
  • Toiletries
  • Towel
  • Jackknife
  • Backpack
  • Writing materials (I guess a pen and a notebook is enough)
  • Water bottle
  • Torchlight
  • Spare batteries
  • Poncho
  • Groundsheet
  • Ziploc / plastic bags
  • Hanger
  • Fork and spoon
  • Mess tin
  • Gloves (this is COMPULSORY, you can buy at any hardware store)
  • Wallet with money (appropriate amount, not too much, not too little) and ez-Link cards
Packlist - Patrol:
  • Patrol Video
  • Icebox
  • Structure / Gadget design
  • Meal plan
  • FOL items
  • Condiments (oil, pepper, salt, soy sauce, etc) - will not be provided
  • Lightsticks (per tent per night)
  • Aluminium foil
  • Radio - optional
  • Snacks - they say optional, but I think otherwise
  • Camera - optional
  • Antisocial stuff (playing cards, mp3 player-unless you bring a speaker or it has one)
  • Pillow, bolster
Things to do before AC:
  • Structure/gadget design
    • Kitchen tent structure
    • Table, bench, dustbin, dresser, clothesline, shoe-rack, fence, 1 practical gadget
  • Meal plan
  • FOL
  • Patrol Video
  • Banners
  • Buy, saw teckos
  • Obtain parent's response for parent's night
  • Each patrol will be allocated the following amount of poles:
    • 1m - 10
    • 1.5m - 10
    • 2m - 20
    • 2.5 m - 10
    • 3m - 10
    • 4m - 10
Special Dish
D1 Dinner

D2 Breakfast
Handmade Delicacies

D2 Lunch
Mixed Rice

D2 Dinner
D3 Breakfast

D3 Lunch
Vegetable/Fruit Salad
D3 Dinner

D4 Breakfast

D4 Lunch
Asian Cuisine

  • Budgets
    • Breakfast - $1.50
    • Lunch - $2.50
    • Dinner - $2.50
  • Grading
    • Sufficiency (25%)
    • Creativity (15%)
    • Taste (20%)
    • Presentation (5%)
    • Hygiene (15%)
    • Nutrition (20%)
  • Waterproof all items in your bags
  • Use a backpack
  • Sew on relevant badges onto Scout Uniform
  • Revise your skills (especially pioneering)
  • Be punctual
  • Have initiative
  • Have a sense of urgency
  • Safety is paramount!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Annual Camp Details

1. Campsite Layout
Every patrol will be allocated a certain area for your entire campsite. You will need to mark out your campsite through whatever form you want, if you have enough poles (or money for tecko), you can even surround your entire campsite with it, but that's entirely up to you. And you will need to think of where you want to pitch your sleeping tent and kitchen tent structure, and where to put spare poles etc.

2. Kitchen Tent Structure
Instead of a gateway structure, this year you all will have a kitchen tent structure. Attached are pictures from National Patrol Camp 2008, where several groups have used it. One of it is very simplified, the other is much more complicated. There are more pictures, but we don't want to restrict your imagination. The basic requirements of the kitchen tent structure is that it must be able to shelter you when it rains, be able to fit ONE tarp, and enough space at the bottom for your working needs. This kitchen tent structure will replace your kitchen tent. You will not have kitchen tents if you do not build this one properly. Your kitchen tent can be elaborate, but make sure you can get the basic structure up first, before adding on any other stuffs. The kitchen tent will have to be up by the end of the first day.
For those who are really confident and want to try something new, you can even get planks and build your kitchen tent in such a way that you can sleep in it. How complex or simple you want the kitchen tent to be is totally up to you.

3. Gadgets
This would be the same as previous years. Table (one for cooking, one for eating, or one big table for both), chairs/benches (enough to comfortably sit 8 people), dresser, dustbin, shoerack (big enough for 1 pair of shoes per person in your patrol), and one other practical gadget.

4. Meals
There will be a total of 9 meals that you have to plan for, 3 breakfast, 3 lunch, 3 dinner.

Special Dish

D1 Dinner

D2 Breakfast
Handmade Delicacies

D2 Lunch
Mixed Rice

D2 Dinner

D3 Breakfast

D3 Lunch
Vegetable/Fruit Salad

D3 Dinner

D4 Breakfast

D4 Lunch
Asian Cuisine

As you can see, there are themes for most of the meals. This means that there will be a marking criteria for following the theme, and it is also to "guide" and give you ideas for the meals. For the special dishes, they do not have to be in accordance to the theme. Meaning you do not have to bake a vegetarian cookie. For the "open" theme, it is for you to show off your patrol's signature dish =)
One thing to note for the meals, there will not be any fixed categories like staple, meat, veg, dessert/soup. This is because you may want to mix your dishes together (eg spaghetti bolognese with minced meat). That being said, it does not mean you do not have to cook food from a certain category. We still expect a good mix of food types.

5. Banners
The banners will be hung on your kitchen tent structure, or if you want you could make a structure to hang it up as well. I believe you have already bought cloth for Annual Show, so do make full use of it. Remember to have a space on your structure where you could hang it from.

6. Festival of Lights
Think of how and where you would want to light up your entire campsite. Be creative! No big big fire and stuff like that, just make sure you don't burn the field down =)

7. Video
There will be times for you to showcase a video, which follows a theme of "01's funniest videos!" It should not exceed 3 minutes, and your patrol members got to star in it =D

During activity this Monday, we will dismiss the SU slightly early. There will be time after that for you to plan/discuss with your patrol, so make good use of it! There's not much time left till AC, so we got to work fast. Remember that banners will take a long time to paint/dry, so you may want to start on that first. Also, we will be checking your gadget and kitchen tent designs on Wednesday, 19 May.

That's all for now! Hope to see you well, recharged and ready to go on Monday.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Owl is back!

Hey all. My exams are over! How about all of you? How are the exams? Done well? I hope everyone put in their best effort to say the least xD Guess what everyone? Next up for 01 activities is ANNUAL CAMP!!! and for that there will be alot of preparation work for us to do. All this will mostly include the Sec2s and 3s as we are the ones who are gonna be building our ultimate structure. The plans im still going through and the ideas are mostly complete but i need to touch up and contact Tharun about how he feels about them.

For, now everyone should just kick back and enjoy the after-exam happiness and when the AC preps come, we will have to chiong through alotta things :D

Have a nice post exams period time!
Roy =D

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Updates :D

Hey all!
Im here posting again cos i want to update everyone on the SU activities that are coming up for those of you who are too lazy to refer to the list that was given out early in the year.
24/4/2010 - Annual show! yay! (i hope everyone's commitees has been up to task and will keep on working hard to do well in annual show!)

31/5/2010-4/6/2010 - Annual Camp! HOOORAY! the fun camp of the year! Now, just because the camp is supposedly fun, doesn't mean we don't have to do any work. Hard work will be instilled in you guys as u learn the value of working. But then, thats for us to discuss at a later date.

24/4/2010 - Patrol in Town! oh man... this is by far the best thing for the whole year :D simply cos its awesome and we get to GL alot

14/8/2010 - 01 Scout Orienteering (ok i have no idea what this is... just walking around singapore i guess :P since i cant remember what this is about sry!)

6/9/2010-7/9/2010 - Night Hike! Haha just a slackish preview of GTC. A fun walk through the night life of Singapore of about... 10-20km? last year was 18km if im not wrong.

13/9/2010 - Inter UG half Marathon! running! yay!

30/10/2010 - 01 Scout Kayaking Expedition. OoOoh! this is new! kayaking! lots of watery fun! woot! More and more fun to look forward to :D

29/11-3/12/2010 - GROUP TRAINING CAMP!!!! For the sake of the sec1s, lets not explain :D its basically EXTREMELY FUN teeeeheeee

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Activity on 7/4

Hello all,
There will be yet another exciting Annual Show Prep tomorrow.

All committees, please remember to bring your relevant stuff and get
ready for an engaging session.

Date: 7 April 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 1530 - 1830
Things to Bring: Relevant Logistics, Caps for Sec One Dancers
Reporting Attire: PE attire

Secondary One Dancers, please remember to bring your caps for your
dance. For committees, please ensure that you bring your relevant


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Activity on 31/3

Hello all,

There will be activity this Wednesday, 31/3.

Please bring your writing materials as we will be having a briefing for the next major of the event - the Annual Show 2010.

In short,
Date: 31 March 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 1530 - 1830

Things to Bring: Writing Materials

Reporting Attire: PE attire


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Test taking on 24/3

Date: 24 March 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 1530 - 1830

Things to Bring: Writing Materials

Reporting Attire: PE attire

Sec 1s and new members, all of you will be taking the bronze standard. Everyone, do study hard during the march holidays, especially those who are aiming to get the first class badge and CCA

Please do note that there will be no activity on Monday, the 22nd of March.
